Does my Will deal with my Family Business?Kate DonnanEstate Planning, Family Provision, Trusts, WillsMost Family Businesses are not run by sole traders which means that a Will alone does not deal adequately, or at all, with a…
What is the Cost of Challenging a Will?Elizabeth LorimerContesting a Will, Estate Litigation, Estate Planning, WillsThe simple answer might well be a lot. It is widely known that litigation is expensive. Look at the fees that Lisa Wilkinson is…
Preparing for IncapacityHannah WillisWills, Power of Attorney, Superannuation, Testamentary CapacityThe number of adults (aged 40 years and older) living with dementia worldwide is expected to nearly treble, from an estimated 57 million in…
Why should I pay a lawyer to prepare my will?Kate DonnanBeneficiary, Inheritance, NSW, QLD, WillsAlmost everyone is starting to question their spending, particularly as we head into a new financial year and the price of everything seems to…
Witnessing a WillMax WilliamsBeneficiary, Inheritance, NSW, QLD, WillsWitnesses are required for important events like weddings, court trials and world record attempts. A Will is no different. It is a legal requirement…
Understanding the Importance of Having a Will: Securing Your LegacyDanielle WoodBeneficiary, Family Provision, Guardianship, Heir Tight, Inheritance, Intestacy, NSW, QLD, VIC, WillsIn the grand scheme of life, thoughts about death and what happens after we pass away can seem uncomfortable or even morbid. Consequently, many…
We are Never Getting Back Together – 5 Estate Planning Tips When SeparatingEmma NisbetFamily Provision, Advanced Healthcare Directive, Beneficiary, Heir Tight, Inheritance, Power of Attorney, Superannuation, WillsIf you have separated from your spouse/civil partner but have not obtained an order for dissolution or divorce, or, terminated a civil partnership, then…
Will Wars: Exploring the Grounds for Challenging a WillMaree HarrisFamily Provision, Estate Litigation, Heir Tight, Testamentary Capacity, WillsChallenging a will – it sounds like a bit of a television drama, doesn’t it? The truth is that will challenges often involve legal…
What Happens if I Don’t Have a Will?Kate DonnanFamily Provision, Heir Tight, Intestacy, WillsUp to 60% of Australians do not have a will. So, what happens if you pass away without a will? In all States and…
The Law Surrounding Disputes over WillsMaree HarrisHeir Tight, Contesting a Will, Family Provision, NSW, QLD, VIC, WillsThe law surrounding disputes over wills in Australia has continued to evolve over time. This is seen by the increase in the number of…