Understanding the Importance of Having a Will: Securing Your LegacyDanielle WoodBeneficiary, Family Provision, Guardianship, Heir Tight, Inheritance, Intestacy, NSW, QLD, VIC, WillsIn the grand scheme of life, thoughts about death and what happens after we pass away can seem uncomfortable or even morbid. Consequently, many…
When do I need a will?de Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Executor, Guardianship, Superannuation, WillsIf you own assets, then you really should have a will because a will is your way of ensuring that your assets go to…
Guidelines for Guardiansde Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Family Provision, Guardianship, Testamentary CapacityOne of the most important decisions for a parent is selecting a guardian for his or her child or children. As a mother of…
A will is the way – don’t delayde Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Beneficiary, Executor, Guardianship, Power of Attorney, Tax liabilities, Testamentary Capacity, WillsThe end of the financial year and the beginning of a new one is traditionally when our thoughts turn to our financial affairs. It…
Guidelines for Guardiansde Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Guardianship, Testamentary CapacityOne of the most important decisions for a parent is selecting a guardian for his or her child or children. As a mother of…
What happens if…?de Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Beneficiary, Guardianship, NSW, Power of Attorney, QLD, VIC, WillsOne question we frequently hear from our clients, is “What happens if…?”. After working with our clients to prepare their estate planning documents, we…
Where Can You Turn When Family Can’t Help?de Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, GuardianshipParents are concerned for their children’s welfare at every stage of their lives. We all want to make sure our children are well provided…
de Groots Guardian Servicesde Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Grief, GuardianshipDonald and Mary Jones* were an elderly couple who had one child, Alexander. Alexander has special needs and is not capable of managing his…