NSW Clarifies Use of AI in Court ProceedingsMax WilliamsEstate Litigation, NSW, Practice Note, Sydney, WillsAnticipating the “rapidly developing nature of Gen AI” The Supreme Court of New South Wales has recently issued a new practice note (SC Gen…
Discovering and Disputing a Deceased’s DebtsMax WilliamsBeneficiary, Executor, NSW, QLD, WillsPut Up or Shut Up – Discovering and Disputing a Deceased’s Debts. An executor or administrator of a deceased person’s estate (“LPR”) has a…
Estate Planning and Avoiding Family Provision ClaimsDannielle WoodEstate Planning, Family Provision, QLD, WillsEstate Planning and Avoiding Family Provision Claims. One of the biggest concerns for many people when making an estate plan is the possibility of…
Executors Neglecting their Duties: Showing them the DoorMaree HarrisDigital Assets, Estate Planning, WillsBeneficiaries are often faced with situations where executors are not acting properly or administering an estate promptly. So, do beneficiaries have to put up…
Sparring Co-ExecutorsMaree HarrisEstate Litigation, Estate Planning, WillsCareful consideration should be given as to whom you wish to appoint as the executor of your estate to avoid costly litigation and disputes…
Putting Guardrails in a Power of AttorneyMax WilliamsEstate Planning, Power of Attorney, WillsAn enduring power of attorney (“EPOA”) gives another person (“the attorney”) the power to make all sorts of important decisions for you even after…