Elder Abuse, Undue Influence & Unconscionable Conductde Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Coercion, InheritanceA recent case shines a light on the elder abuse that exists in our community, and the importance of appropriate remedies being available to…
6th edition of “Family Provision in Australia” now availablede Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Family Provision, Heir TightCongratulations to our Special Counsel, Dr John de Groot, and his co-author, Bruce Nickel, on the publication of the 6th edition of their text…
de Groots celebrates 35th anniversaryde Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, 2021, Heir Tightde Groots wills and estate lawyers celebrated its 35th anniversary last Thursday. Its first office was opened in Brisbane on 1 July 1986, with…
Griefde Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, GriefGrief is a part of life that we will all experience at least once in our life, for some of us it might be…
Fiskde Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Inheritance, WillsAt de Groots we are all enjoying watching Kitty Flanagan’s romp through wills and estate law in the ABC show “Fisk”. Our Dr John…
Blended family businessde Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Family Provision, TrustsOne of the biggest estate planning challenges for clients with a blended family is balancing looking after the client’s current spouse and the client’s…
Succession law and human rightsde Groots wills and estate lawyersHeir Tight, Family Provision, Funeral PlanningAt first sight, the heading – Succession law and human rights – may appear to be strange because of the distinction in subject-matter between…