Don’t Let Will Making Scare You This Halloweende Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Beneficiary, WillsThe legal jargon and process surrounding the making of a will (or any estate planning document for that matter) has the potential to cause…
Estate Litigation Checklist – Contesting a Willde Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Beneficiary, Contesting a Will, Estate Litigation, WillsThere are a number of factors which are important and should be considered when contesting a Will. In New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria,…
Estate Planning and Philanthropyde Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Beneficiary, Charities, WillsPhilanthropy features in estate planning in a number of ways. 1. Provisions in a will There is an increased willingness and capacity of our…
Protecting Your Child’s Inheritance and Financial Agreementsde Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Beneficiary, Family Provision, Inheritance, WillsIf you are concerned about protecting your child’s inheritance from a future divorce or relationship breakdown, you are not alone. It is a common…
Testamentary Trustsde Groots wills and estate lawyersArticle, Beneficiary, TrustsTestamentary trusts can be an excellent tool for your estate plan and are simply trusts that are drafted into your will and established once…